Organization Diagnosis
Organizational Diagnosis is an effective way of looking at an organization to determine gaps between current and desired performance and...
Organizational Diagnosis is an effective way of looking at an organization to determine gaps between current and desired performance and...
We provide nationwide facilitation and training to employees that work for government and corporate organizations. Gayle….we need more here……I’m trying...
Course Description A workshop which combines MBTI® and personality preference theory with training in effective communicating, especially effective listening, conflict...
The Enneagram has, over the past decades, proved to be one of the most powerful tools in the development and...
The EQ-I 2.0 measures an individual’s emotional intelligence. It features: EI score with five composite scores measuring distinct aspects of...
EMP® is an assessment tool based on extensive research into the traits, motivations and skills of entrepreneurs. Available in self-report...
SDI is a powerful tool for all levels of an organization. It’s based on powerful yet simple approaches to helping...
We all face a daily dilemma: too much to do and note enough time to do it. In today’s streamlined,...
The TKI enables individuals to understand the five conflict modes, or styles—competing, collaborating, compromising, avoiding, and accommodating, determine one’s own...
The Conflict Dynamics Profile (CDP) is an assessment that measures conflict behaviors. It’s an excellent resource to increase self-awareness and...
The Extended DiSC® Team Report combines all of the individual team member’s reports into one report. The Team DiSC® Report provides...
DiSC® measures your tendencies and preferences and your patterns of behavior. It does not measure intelligence, aptitude, mental health or...