The Enneagram has, over the past decades, proved to be one of the most powerful tools in the development and coaching environment. The use of the Enneagram not only fast-tracks insight, growth and integration, but also gives durability and magnitude to the development process over time.

It creates self-awareness and uncovers the patterns of behavior that sub-consciously drive and motivate us to act in certain ways. When we make these patterns and motivations conscious, we are able to transcend them and develop richer, more supportive ways of being. Working with the Enneagram empowers individuals to take responsibility for their own behaviors and growth, from a greater understanding of why they act and react the way they do.

As a framework, the Enneagram also speaks to the journey of integration and development in a profound way. It is able to uncover the uniqueness of each individual and his/her journey. It does not only reveal what holds an individual back, but also offers insights into the journey towards strength and liberation, connecting us to our strengths and higher selves.

The Enneagram is, therefore, a sense-making tool or a framework that enables the development of self-knowledge and meta-awareness.

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