EMP® is an assessment tool based on extensive research into the traits, motivations and skills of entrepreneurs. Available in self-report and team report formats, the EMP can help leaders and individual contributors alike assess the degree to which their teams are utilizing an “entrepreneurial mindset.”

The EMP® can be incorporated into programs designed to assess and promote competencies such as innovation, creativity and growth leadership. Alternately, it can be used to benchmark a team’s entrepreneurial capacity prior to the design of a program, so that the program can accurately target the team’s specific opportunities for development.

When an individual or team takes the EMP®, not only do they receive a thorough Feedback Report, but they also get a 67-page Development Guide containing the following sections:

  • Interpretive material, suggestions for development, and recommended readings on each of the 14 scales
  • Current books and Websites on topics related to entrepreneurial mindset
  • Effective action planning tips and,
  • Guidelines for continuous improvement

Administration Details –30 minutes to complete on-line.

Contact us for more information.