The TKI enables individuals to understand the five conflict modes, or styles—competing, collaborating, compromising, avoiding, and accommodating, determine one’s own most and least preferred mode and understand how each mode affects interpersonal and group dynamics. It also teaches how each mode is appropriate for some situations, but none is effective in all situations. Therefore, understanding how to select the appropriate mode rather than always utilizing their automatic preferred mode to be more effective in handling a conflict situation.


  • Provides and explanation of conflict-handling behaviors in each of the five modes
  • Includes personalized analysis of individual results
  • Includes a 2-page explanation of the individual’s preferred mode
  • Offers guidance on appropriate use of each mode and suggestions for learning to work with less preferred modes

Administration Details:  Items:  30; Time to Complete:  10 minutes; on-line or pen and paper

Contact us for more information.